
Use jettison in a sentence
Use jettison in a sentence

use jettison in a sentence

Eww: used to express disgust or repulsion.Ugh: used to express annoyance or disgust.Hey: used to attract someone’s attention.

use jettison in a sentence

  • Aha: used to express sudden realization, understanding, or recognition.
  • Whoops: used to say that something has gone wrong.
  • Umm: used to show hesitation in speaking, unsure whether the response is correct.
  • Whew: used to express relief or exhaling.
  • Yippee: used to express joy or happiness.
  • Oops: used to express regret or apology.
  • Aww: used to show affection and care for someone or something.
  • Hmm: used to express uncertainty in thinking about something.
  • Shh: used to express a request for silence.
  • Boo: used to express contempt or disrespect for someone or something.
  • Eh: used as a sentence connector to introduce the next part of the conversation.
  • Yikes: used to express sudden fear, alarm, or shock.
  • Oh no: used to express sorrow or distress.
  • Duh: used to say that something is obvious or not surprising.
  • Yum: used to show pleasure or appreciation at the taste.
  • Ouch: used to express pain, distress, or unhappiness.
  • Wow: used to convey amazement or surprise.
  • Well: in a manner that expresses admiration, approval, or satisfaction.
  • use jettison in a sentence

    Bravo! That was a great performance! Interjection Words with Definitions.Umm, would you like to go to dinner with me?.Hmm, I’m not sure what I’ll eat from the menu.Boo! That football team doesn’t deserve to win!.They are not always polite and can be used to express strong feelings like excitement, anger, joy, or sadness. Interjections can be used to add emphasis or to show how the writer feels about what is being said. Some common interjections are “wow,” “ouch,” and “yum.” They often occur alone as a one-worded sentence. They are not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence and typically come at the beginning of a sentence. An interjection is a word or phrase used to express strong feelings or emotions.

    Use jettison in a sentence